Wednesday, 22 January 2014

DuBoLoGy - Yellow Dub (Paproota PAP-014) 2013

DuBoLoGy (dub – a technique of creating sounds + Greek: λογος, logos, „study”) – is a field of  science that examines the reactions of human body, on the psychological as well as the physical level, to low-frequency sound waves and the space surrounding them. The lecture by a French dubologist presented here, which consists of eleven parts, touches upon current affairs, referring to the results of up-to-now achievements, eventually it suggests solutions which look far ahead to the future. This lecture titled “Yellow Dub” is crucial to the development of dubology, hence it is dedicated
to all enthusiasts, examiners, and experts of this scientific branch. You’re welcome to ponder over it!

  DOWNLOAD PAP_014 DuBoLoGy – Yellow Dub
(.rar file, MP3 high quality, 92.1 MB)  
DOWNLOAD PAP_014 DuBoLoGy – Yellow Dub
(.rar file, FLAC high quality, 244 MB)

Creative Commons
Yellow Dub by DuBoLoGy is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 PL licence.

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